Email Marketing 101 For Accountants  

Your clients want to hear from you 🙌. Watch our online workshop to learn three easy ways to engage clients and grow your business with better emails 💌.

Watch The Workshop

Watch our workshop below (or read the summary on our blog) to learn practical, actionable tips from Matt Wilkinson and Nick Houldsworth on how to better use email to:

  1. Engage your clients with relevant, regular messages.
  2. Grow your business through client referrals
  3. Improve your bottom line by helping clients adopt new tools and services

Special offer: Leverage Matt's expertise today with these helpful tools

  • Templates for the most popular and successsful client emails
  • Free, 3 month trial of Compass - the new, email marketing app designed for accountants
  • Or book time with Matt to learn more about Bizink here

Our Expert Presenters

Matt Wilkinson is CEO/Founder of Bizink, the leading marketing agency for hundreds of accountants worldwide. Nick Houldsworth is Co-Founder of Prosaic, and previously Chief Marketing Officer at Vend, and EGM Xero App store.

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